*** We do not currently offer stores for “T-Shirt ideas” or “New brands”. FundStores are designed for groups, organizations or causes. ***
In most cases, NO! However, there are situations where fees may be necessary.
At 10:9 Design we try to keep things as simple as possible! We find that simplicity drives sales which increases YOUR profit. Pricing is very straight forward. We will provide you with a quoted “cost” of every item you want listed in your FundStore. Once you know your cost then you have the choice to add a “mark-up”, which is what your shoppers will pay. The difference between “cost” and “mark-up” is your FundStore profit and what we pay you! The “mark-up” options are below and must be applied to every product in your store.
Building a FundStore takes very little time. Our store platform is very streamlined, which allows site deployment to happen very quickly. However, the process prior to building the store can take a bit of time. Every FundStore goes through the same process as building out a custom order.
The answer to this question can be a bit confusing. The simple answer is YES, there is a 24 piece minimum that must be met before any payouts on a FundStore occur. The confusion comes in when we are dealing with multiple artwork prints or decoration methods. There are a couple of examples below to help illustrate how minimums work.
In the event that minimums are not met, 10:9 Design LLC will determine whether the best step forward is to produce the items under minimum or refund all orders. This is not the choice of the FundStore creator. All stores that do not meet minimums will not receive a payout.
There really are no rules to how long a FundStore can be open. However, we do have recommendations and options!
We recommend all FundStores run for at least 2 weeks but no longer than 1 month. We make these recommendations for 2 reasons:
Again with the options! 10:9 Design works hard to make order delivery easy!
When it comes to your supporters receiving their orders we offer 3 options.
Promoting a FundStore is by far, the KEY to YOUR SUCCESS!
Once your FundStore is built, promoting it becomes the biggest hurdle. You will be provided with a link to your store but sales will only occur if your supporters know your FundStore exists. You can share your link in text, on social media, in email, through intra organization communication channels or just about anywhere that a hyperlink can be shared. You can even print it out on paper mailers if you need to. To aid in your marketing efforts, 10:9 Design can help build customized marketing materials for an added fee. We have marketing packages available that start as low as $50 and will provide you with additional material to get the best out of your FundStore. If you would like more information about marketing packages, please contact your salesperson, and they can discuss options.
It’s time to GET PAID!
10a-1p • 2p-6p
Closed 1p-2p for lunch
© 10:9 Design, LLC. All Rights Reserved.